Myth or Reality?

Community Over Competition

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“If she succeeds, there’ll be less left over for me” 
“The industry is already so saturated, if more people join, I won’t be able to survive anymore”
“Community Over Competition? Pft like that’ll ever be true”

These were constant thoughts that swirled in my head when I quit my full time job and started Alyletters for real. Without the security of income from a stable job, in a saturated industry (Calligraphy) where competition was stiff, I naturally felt scared. My mind was preoccupied with scarcity and how to match up to the competition, I felt cornered and strangled. Because I was fixing my eyes on what I wanted & didn't yet have, discontentment and scarcity swallowed me whole, even though encouragements and sales had been flowing in.

“If I launch my stickers and blessing cards, people will copy me.”
“ What if they take my ideas and sell more than me?”
“I’m supposed to be Christian, I shouldn’t be selfish, but I don't want to share the contacts of my suppliers that I looked high and low for, with others. Why can’t they do their own research?!?”

It was all about me. My day to day life was a struggle. A struggle between wanting to create and share, to be generous and giving, yet feeling stifled by my extreme fear of “not enough”. One day I couldn’t handle it anymore and brought it to the feet of Jesus.

“What are you so afraid of daughter? Have I not given you more than enough? Do you not trust me to provide?

These words rang shrilly in my head for days after. And in my attempt to systematically try and understand myself, I listed out my fears on paper. But the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit then prompted me “But what are the truths? What have I said in My word?” I was intrigued, seeking the truth from my Heavenly Father himself never crossed my mind! And so I listed the truths down as well.

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As I let these words sink in slowly in the next few day, His peace and liberation washed over me.

As I reflected on these truths I felt the weight of fear and scarcity slowly lift.

·     There is more than enough because God is my provider, not me.
·     If someone else succeeds, it doesn't affect my portion. It has already been allocated.
·     What He has given to me, no one can take away.
·     I do not need to fight, we are all building for the same kingdom
·     God values those who share generously, even from lack
·     God will bless the work of my hands so that I can bless others
·     If God is for me, who can be against me?

Whenever I felt the lies creep into my mind, I now counter it with His truths. 

Things were finally clear - the lies I had believed and saturated my head with, were clever distractions from the enemy himself. But now, they had been overcome by the truth.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. [John 8:32]

Fast forward to the present (It’s been 4 years since I quit my job) & went full time, I now see the fruits of living in the freedom He has purchased.

I no longer fear competition because I recognize that even if we’re in similar industries, God has already appointed the people we are individually called to impact. Additionally,

·     There is no threat. 
·     When we band together as a community, we achieve more. 
·     When we live from abundance and generosity, we become more effective vessels for His blessing
·     We are all created for purpose and that purpose is different for each individual
·     If my journey and sharing can help someone else walk in theirs, that is the greatest reward we can store up in heaven! 
·     Impacting the lives of others has a multiplication effect because they in turn will impact others.
·     I want to store up my treasure in heaven and not on earth

Tangibly, as these truths washed over me and healed my soul, God gave me a new desire to help others in their creative journey as well. It’s been a year journeying with new creatives and I’ve just accepted the third batch of students into my group coaching programme - MBA. Never would I have imagined I’d one day share all my ”secrets” willingly with others! But that is what God does: 

He picks us up.

He dusts us off.

He restores us to who He made us to be.

And as we share this testimony with others, as we walk in His footsteps, He empowers us to love on others unconditionally, like He first loved us. 

That’s my walk with Jesus and that’s how I overcame scarcity to live in abundance.

That my friends, truly is freedom and it’s what I wish for each one of you as well(: 

<3 Aly


Thank you Alicia for sharing your testimony with us.

Catch Alicia and her latest happenings below!


Dove’s Eyes


This is Our Time